Thursday, March 6, 2008

A Friend of Eli

What defines who you are? I’m actually real curious to see what list of properties you can come up with that, the sum of which, would equal you. These days a number of human properties that once might have seemed unalterable (eye color, facial features… gender even) are easily changed. I think we probably all know people (or are people)who go through styles and looks like they’re going, well, out of style. Even with all these exterior changes, we still remain who we are essentially. Which brings me back to my original query: what defines who you are? I believe a certain part of who we are is who we choose to be. See, I don’t choose to be six foot one; but, I do choose to be a Christian. Nor did I make the conscious decision to have my parents (or, rather, them have me... you know what I mean); however, I did choose to be friends with this little guy with a limp back in 6th grade. Since then, I’ve made the decision daily to be who I am in that respect, a friend of Eli. Maybe it’s a little silly to simplify the “deep things” to this extent. I don’t know. I just think some of those questions that we all ask ourselves, (or are prompted to ask by some meddling bloggers’ curiosity… incidentally, isn’t “meddling” a great word? Let’s all try and use that word at least five times today. I’m already at two!) are a lot simpler to come to grips with than we might think. Think about it. Go ahead and write me a list of properties or characteristic qualities that you have that make you who you are. Then, think about how many of those do you have somewhat control over? Then, maybe I'll meddle (3) with your various lists and write about that. Peace, hope and love -Nathan J. Emmans


Anonymous said...

I agree that a certain part of who we are is who we chose to be--actions may lead to habits and help to form identities. Hmmm, that rhymes...

MillerTime said...

Hey Nate,

rather than spend a long time thinking about who I am I will just throw out the words that first come to me when I think about describing myself. Do with them what you will. I'll also try to stay on the positive side of me, the negative side could get brutal.

I'm a Christian, a competitor, passionate, always looking for entertainment and a way to have a good time, honest, dependable, practical and very logical, creative, a leader but not to the extent that I feel I could be. I'll leave it at that and spare you the physical aspects of who I am because there could come a day where I am not incredibly handsome and buff.

You're statement about how you chose to befriend the kid with the limp made me think of all the little decisions in life that seem insignificant at the time but really do shape who your are. When I was in my later days of elementary school some of the guys I hung out with in my neighborhood started playing Dungeons and Dragons (D&D to the veteran players apparently). At the time I decided I wasn't interested and would rather ride my bike or run around in the forest. Who knows what I would be like now if I had said "hey count me in, I'll help slay the evil red dragon!"

Anonymous said...

Yes, the ubiquious red dragon... I'm glad you went with the bike. Now, something to think about, if you were to take away any (or all) of those properties or qualities, would you still be you? In other words, what is the irreducible factor that is you?

Kyle Ray said...

why does there have to be a factor or can't we be prime?